نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية
مركز الخليج
ملاحظة : كل ما يطرح بمدونة نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية هو ملك للجميع وليس محتكر لأحد

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بحث جاهز بعنوان الجراحة


min aljadir bialdhikr 'ana aljarahat hi alty ymkn 'an tatasabab fi al'iisabat bialfirusat, algharad dinia. ymkn 'an yutliq ealaa altadakhul aljirahii 'iijra' jirahiaan 'aw eamaliat 'aw bbsatt jaraha. aleamaliat aljirahiat qad tujraa ealaa al'iinsan 'aw alhayawanati, wayutliq ealaa alshakhs aldhy yajri aleamaliat aljirahiat jarahaan waqad yusaf 'aydaan bialmumaris altibiyi walakun qad yutliq mustalah "almumaris altabi" 'aydaan ealaa al'atibba' wal'atibba' almukhtasiyn fi tbi al'aqdam wa'ataba' al'asnan (almaerufun 'aydaan bimusamaa jirahii alfm) wal'atibba' albitriiyna, wafi halat nadirat yajri aljarahun jirahatan ealaa 'anfusihim. I'm nut hayf a jastys. wayushir mustalah "aljraha" 'aydaan 'iilaa almakan aldhy tujraa fih aljarahat 'aw qad yushir bbsatt 'iilaa altabib 'aw altabib almukhtasi fi tbi al'aqdam 'aw tabib al'asnan 'aw altabib albaytirii
Surgery is a medical technique based on medical intervention to treat infected tissues. There are other procedures that do not specifically follow this description, such as catheterization or endoscopy, but may also be considered surgical if they include routine preparations for surgical operations such as anesthesia, sterile environment and surgical instruments. Sewing or stapling. All types of surgeries are invasive procedures, so it is indicated that circumcision, which does not penetrate the tissues of non-invasive surgery such as laser ablation of the cornea and may include under this description Radiation surgeries such as used in radiation therapy for tumors. Ibn al-Kef said: Surgery is an industry considered in the definition of conditions of the human body on the one hand, which is presented to the phenomenon of dispersion in specific places and required to return the organ to its normal state.
Types of surgery
Surgical procedures are classified according to several factors, such as the severity of the condition, the type of procedure, the organ or the device to be treated, the gaseous degree, the tools used: Optional surgery: Surgery that aims to correct a non-life threatening condition. Availability of surgeon and medical facilities.
Emergency surgery is the surgery performed to save a patient's life, maintain one limb, or enable a member to perform his or her functions.
Exploratory Surgery: This type of surgery is performed for the purpose of confirming and supporting diagnosis of the disease.
Therapeutic surgery: This type of surgery is aimed at treating previously diagnosed cases.
Amputation: Cut one of the limbs or fingers.
Re-planting: During which part of the body was cut off.
Reconstructive surgeries: designed to reconstruct damaged or damaged organs.
Plastic Surgery: Surgery is intended to improve the appearance of some non-infected tissues.
Circumcision: The outer part of a member or tissue is cut off.
Agriculture: This type is aimed at the removal of a member or limb and replacing it with another donor, whether human or animal, and the eradication of a member of a living person or animal for use in agriculture is a type of surgery.
When an organ or tissue is surgically operated, it may be called the cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, gastrointestinal surgery (gastrointestinal tract and assisted glands) and bone surgery (performed on bones or muscles) ).
Laparoscopic surgery: In which small external incisions are made to insert a small machine into the cavity of the body as in the catheter. In contrast, there are open surgeries that require large incisions to reach the affected area.
LASER SURGERY: Laser is the main factor in tissue cutting in this type of operation. Laser is used instead of a scalpel or other commonly used instruments to perform the same function.
Microscopy: This type of surgery is based on microscopes so that the surgeon can see the small parts on these devices developed a robot surgery such as the Da Vinci or Zeus surgical system during the operation of the robot follow the instructions of the surgeon and move the tools.
Surgical description
In today's hospitals, surgical operations are often performed in operating rooms using surgical tools, patient tables and other instruments. The environment and procedures used in the process are subject to sterilization principles, which separate between sterilized instruments (non-microorganisms) and non-sterilized or contaminated instruments. All surgical instruments must be sterile and must be replaced or re-sterilized if contaminated (due to contaminated use or contact with non sterile surfaces). Staff members in the operating room must also wear sterile clothing (which includes a robe, hat, gloves and sterile gaskets) They must wash their hands and arms with disinfectant before each operation. Before the surgery, the patient undergo a medical examination "specific tests before the operation" and assess his physical condition in accordance with the American Society of Anesthesiologists for physical assessment in the event that the results are good, the patient is given a form of approval of the surgical procedure to be approved then the eligibility for surgical intervention.When he is expected to lose The patient has a large amount of blood during the operation, it must provide a quantity of blood through self-donation before the operation in weeks. In some cases of gastrointestinal surgery, the patient is instructed to drink the polyethylene solution the night before the day of the operation to prepare the intestine. Patients are also instructed to abstain from food or drink (after midnight the night before the day of the operation, to limit the effect of the contents of the stomach on the drugs given to the patient before the procedure and reduce the risk of vomiting during or after the patient). In the pre-operation phase, the patient replaces his clothes with sterile clothing and asks him to confirm the details of the operation to be performed. Then the vital indicators of the patient are recorded and the liquid is fed to one of the parties and some drugs are also given "antibiotics, analgesics and others". When the patient enters the operating room, sterilize the area where the operation will be performed using an antiseptic such as chlorhexidine gluconate or iodine bufidine, to reduce contamination and reduce hair if it is in the preoperative position. Sterile sheets are used to cover the patient's entire body, The solenoid is pulled into a pair of electrodes near the top of the bed to form "aether" curtains that separate the anesthesiologist who works in a sterile (non sterile) work area and the surgical site. The patient is numb to prevent pain when the wound is caused and the tissue is moved or cut and when the wounds are sewn. Depending on the type of operation, the type of anesthesia may vary, either local or general, and there is also spinal anesthesia, which is used when the surgery is large or when it is very deep and the use of general anesthesia in this case. In the case of local anesthesia or spinal anesthesia, the location of the surgery is anesthetized but the patient remains conscious or slightly anesthetized. In contrast to general anesthesia where the patient is unconscious and paralyzed, at this stage the patient breathes through a tube connected to a ventilator, Mix of injections and inhalants. And the incision is made to reach the position of the surgery, the blood vessels surrounding the position contract to prevent bleeding and can be used to give a better vision of the surgical position or to keep the incision open and may require cracks and dissection of several layers to access the position of surgery, as in the case of gastrointestinal surgery, In the skin and tissue under the skin and then incision three layers of muscle and then the layer around the tendons and ligament. In some cases, the bones may be cut to reach more internal areas of the body, for example cutting the skull for brain surgery or cutting the chest for surgery to open the rib cage. Working to correct problems in a device may involve:
Circumcision - dispensing with a device, tumor or other tissue.
Amputation - partial removal of a member or other physical structure.
Reconnect organs, tissues, etc. Especially if partially cut, amputation such as intestine includes re-connecting and internal sewing or can be used stapling. Surgical interconnection between blood vessels or tubular or hollow structures such as rings of the intestine is called perfusion.
Bonding - It may be as a blood vessel, duct, or tube.
Grafts - a piece of tissue cut off (from the body itself or from a different body) in some cases still partially connected to the body, it is re-tailor to arrange or reshape that area of ​​the body. Although vaccination is often used in cosmetic surgery, it is used in other surgeries. Grafts can be taken from one area of ​​the patient's body and then placed in another area of ​​the body. An example of this is cardiac surgery, where the blockage of the blood vessels is bypassed by substituting them with phobias from another part of the body. Alternatively, baits may be from other persons or bodies or from animals. If artificial limbs are inserted using pins and bolts to fix bones, some bone parts can be replaced by dildos or any other part, in some cases inserting a tablet to replace the affected area of ​​the skull. Nowadays, the use of artificial hip is becoming more common. In addition, pacemakers, valves and many artificial limbs can be included. In transplantation surgery, the donor organ is inserted into the recipient's body and connected to all necessary parts (blood vessels, ducts, etc.). Arthroscopic surgery - during which the bones are connected Adjacent to each other so that they can grow with the same extension. One example is the fusion of the spine where the adjacent vertebrae connect and grow as a single piece. Surgery of the gastrointestinal tract adjustment - aimed at weight loss. Repair fistula, hernia or peritoneum. Other actions include:

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