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ملاحظة : كل ما يطرح بمدونة نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية هو ملك للجميع وليس محتكر لأحد

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Can bone cancer begin anywhere in the body? Bone cancer is rare, accounting for less than 1 per cent of all cancers. In fact, non-cancerous bone tumors appear more commonly than cancerous tumors.
The term “bone cancer” does not include cancers that began elsewhere in the body and spread to the bone. Instead of that?
There are some types of bone cancer in children. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Depends on the use of surgery or chemotherapy
1. Osteosarcoma
2. Cartilaginous sarcoma
3. Ewing's sarcoma.
The signs and symptoms of bone cancer include:
Bone pain
Swelling or pain near the affected area
weakening of bones, leading to fracture
Unintentional weight loss
When to see a doctor?
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have, or
Appears and goes away
It gets worse at night
Do not go away with over-the-counter pain relievers
Request an appointment at the Mayo Clinic
the reasons
The cause of most bone cancers is unknown. A small number of bone cancers may be due to genetic factors, while others are caused by exposure to previous radiation.
Types of bone cancer:
Bone cancer is divided into different types What are bone types?
Bone sarcoma. Bone sarcoma The cancer cells in this tumor produce bones. Breast cancer among children and young people in the leg or arm bones. In rare cases, bone cancers can be outside the bones (osteosarcoma outside the skeleton).
Cartilaginous sarcoma. Cartilage sarcoma The cancer cells in this tumor produce cartilage. One usually develops pelvic pain in the pelvis, middle-aged and elderly legs.
Ewing's sarcoma. Often, you can breathe or release into your pelvis or legs.
Risk factors
The causes of bone cancer are unclear,
Inherited genetic syndromes. Increase some genetic and intercostal syndromes
Paget's disease of bone. Baguette is a disease of bone.
Radiation therapy for cancer. It can also be exposed to high doses of radiation,
5 common symptoms of bone cancer
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Sometimes people with bone cancer do not have any symptoms, but some symptoms may occur, especially when the disease develops. Learn about these symptoms as follows:

5 common symptoms of bone cancer
Bone cancer can begin in any bone of the body, but it commonly affects the pelvis or long bones in the arms and legs.
Bone cancer is rare, in fact, non-cancerous bone tumors are much more common than cancerous tumors.
Sometimes people with bone cancer don't have any symptoms or the symptoms may be caused by a different medical condition that isn't cancer.
Common symptoms of bone cancer are:
1- Pain
One of the most common signs of bone cancer is pain in the affected bone.
Initially the pain is unstable, may be worse at night and sometimes wake the patient from sleep, depending on the location of the tumor. Pain can increase if you use bones, for example, leg pain when walking, there may be increased aches while breathing, or pain reflected in the limb.
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As the cancer develops, the pain will be present all the time, and worsen with activity.

2. Swelling
Swelling in the pain area may occur only after weeks, and swelling and pain may be observed by pressing near the affected area.
It is possible to feel a mass depending on the location of the tumor.
Cancer in the bones of the neck can cause swelling in the back of the throat, which can lead to difficulty swallowing or breathing.
3 - weak bones, which leads to broken
Cancer cells can weaken bones, and this can sometimes lead to fracture.
Fracture may occur in an area of ​​bone that has already been painful for a period of time. People with a fracture beside or through a bone tumor usually describe a sudden, severe pain in a bone that has been infected for a few months.

Bone cancer
4- Low movement
In some cases, if the site of the tumor is near the joint, it may make normal movements difficult or painful, affecting the movement of the victim and making it less.
Other symptoms
Other symptoms of bone cancer can include:
Weight loss and fatigue.
If the cancer spreads to the internal organs, it can also cause other symptoms.For example, if the cancer spreads to the lungs, it can cause difficulty breathing.

Cancer in the bones of the spine can squeeze nerves, causing numbness, tingling or even weakness.

In rare cases, people with bone cancer may have symptoms such as fever, general malaise and anemia, a low level of red blood cells.

These symptoms are often due to conditions other than cancer, such as injuries or arthritis.

However, if these symptoms persist for a long time without a known cause, you should see a doctor.

Your doctor will ask how long and how often you are experiencing symptoms, in addition to other questions, to help find out the cause of the problem and diagnose it.

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مدونة نفيد ونستفيد

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