نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية
مركز الخليج
ملاحظة : كل ما يطرح بمدونة نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية هو ملك للجميع وليس محتكر لأحد

آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...

بحث جاهز بعنوان التقيؤ

Vomiting is the forced expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose, and the feeling that the person wants to vomit is called nausea, preceded by sweating, low blood pressure and increased secretion of saliva. Vomiting starts from a deep source and the person stops breathing. The roof of the throat and throat is closed and the upper posterior sphincter is relaxed while the esophagus and stomach are relaxed. The gastric gate and tube are constricted with strong contractions of the abdominal muscles.
There are many reasons for vomiting, some diseases or weakness of stomach and inability to digest food.
There are many different causes of vomiting; it may occur as a specific response to a specific set of conditions such as gastritis or food poisoning, or as an unspecified response to some disorders ranging from brain tumors and intracranial pressure to excessive exposure to ionizing radiation. A person's feeling when he is about to vomit is called nausea, is a feeling that often vomits vomiting even though it does not happen. Antihypertensives are sometimes necessary to curb nausea and vomiting. In severe cases where a person may be dehydrated, intravenous solutions may be required.
The vomiting is different from Qulas, although the two terms are usually mutually exclusive. Gulls is the process of returning food that is not digested to the esophagus and from it to the mouth, with no force driven by or feeling the discomfort that accompanies vomiting. The causes of vomiting and bowel are quite different.
Entering the respiratory tract
Vomiting becomes serious when gastric contents enter the respiratory tract. Under normal conditions, pharyngitis and coughs prevent this from happening; however, these preventative reactions may be impaired or malfunctioned by substances such as alcohol or anesthetics.
An individual may be suffocated or suffer from respiratory pneumonia
Effect on teeth :
When repeated vomiting occurs, as observed in neurodegenerative cases, this may lead to destruction of tooth enamel due to the nature of acidic vomiting. Gastrointestinal enzymes may also have a negative effect on dental health by causing gum deterioration.

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مدونة نفيد ونستفيد

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    نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية
