نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية
مركز الخليج
ملاحظة : كل ما يطرح بمدونة نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية هو ملك للجميع وليس محتكر لأحد

آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...

بحث جاهز بعنوان المحاليل الوريدية

 Normal saline (N / S
Consists of 0.9% sodium chloride + 99.1% pure water
The total size is 500cc.
 - Pressure drop.
- Cases of high sugar with insulin.
- RTA accident cases.
- When bleeding, severe vomiting and diarrhea to prevent dehydration.

Often ceftriaxone vials are given with 100 cc normal saline.
Glucose water (G / W
Consists of dextrose + 5% pure water, 10%
The total volume is 500cc.
- Post-surgical procedures.
- Diarrhea.
- In cases of hypoglycemia.
- In case of loss of appetite because it is considered a major source of energy for patients with appendicitis.
- When giving ampoules such as aminophylline and H.C for asthma and chest allergy.
- In cases of fainting such as hypoglycemia with hypoglycemia HT tonic ampoule.
Third :
Glucose saline (G / S
Consists of Nacl and dextrose by 0.4.5% / 2.5% + pure water
The total volume is 500cc.
Uses :
- Drop sugar.
- Pressure drop.
- Give him ampoule such as Albasil for vomiting cases to prevent dehydration.
- In other mild cases.
Fourthly :
-Ringer's lactate
Composed of Nacl + Kcl + Cacl + Na lactate
The total volume is 500cc.
Uses :
- Severe diarrhea, severe vomiting and dehydration.
- In cases of bleeding and accidents RTA.
Gesture: given by ampoules such as plasil and others and not given with ceftriaxone vial because calcium salts present with the renker will react with the calcium salts present with ceftriaxone and form an insoluble precipitate that resembles gravel with kidney and gallbladder, so the vein should be washed at least 10 cc before to give ceftriax vial Precipitate, calcium ampoule and ceftriaxone are also not given for the same reason.

Fifth :
 mannitol 20%
It is considered diuretic or osmotic diuretic
Give intravenously I.V infusion or orally.
 1- Intravenous: (given on weight in the case of I.V infusion or mannitol vial and has two sizes 10% and 20%)
- given in the case of high (intracranial pressure) because it works to reduce the pressure of the brain.
- In the case of CVA.
- To improve the functioning of the kidneys and excretion of urine and toxic substances and maintain the flow of urine in patients with kidney failure.
Oral :
- To prevent constipation because it is considered laxative and increases the proportion of liquids to throw waste to the same type of mannitol.
Sixthly :
(Dextrolyte (ors
Dextrose is composed of dextrose + Nacl + Na lactate + kcl + Cacl + sorbital

Uses :
Border bags are given to children or infants suffering from dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting.

كاتب الموضوع

مدونة نفيد ونستفيد

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