نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية
مركز الخليج
ملاحظة : كل ما يطرح بمدونة نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية هو ملك للجميع وليس محتكر لأحد

آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...

بحث جاهز بعنوان البتر

Amputation is the removal of a limb (removal of the entire organ or part of it) 

after physical injury or surgery. It is a way to combat pain or illness in the injured limb.
Causes of amputation:
Causes of RA, what are the causes? Start to die. Other causes of blisters may be: severe injury (in a serious car or lane accident)
Types and levels of amputation:
Amputation of amputation in one side "Amputation": The loss of a "top or bottom" limb on one side - amputation on a bilateral side "amputation":
Amputation levels :
A) Amputation of the upper limbs includes: (1) 2) wrist separation (wrist disintegration): organ amputation is performed at wrist level 3) transradial bone amputation: this occurs under the elbow 4) elbow separation: elbow disintegration Member at the elbow level. 5) Trans-humeral: Amputation above the elbow 6) Shoulder separation (shoulder dislocation): 7) Anterior amputation: Melasma is performed with blade and collarbone.
(Thigh) Hip Disintegration: Is the amputation of the pelvic joint with the hip thigh? 2) Transfemoral thigh amputation: being above the bastard on any part of the thigh from the pelvis 3) Fire separation Knee disintegration: This amputation occurs 4) Transtibial leg amputation: This amputation 5) Ankle separation "dislocation of the ankle" : This amputation occurs 6) Foot amputation: if any.
Psychological changes after loss of limb :
Is it possible to be at the level of self? What about a person? Usually when a person loses himself. I accompany a person with different painful feelings: anger, guilt, denial, loss of hope, and others. Sometimes the patient presents these feelings to the specialist. The specialist here has to be talented, amputation does not affect only jobs
Role of Occupational Therapist :
Give the patient sufficient information and explain 1) Provide the patient to someone their moment to facilitate life sharing and experiences as well as the ability to solve problems. 2) Provide the patient with reference materials; provide information about the patient 3) Communicate with a specialist and counselor if necessary.
Health Rehabilitation Team :
The team members are a physician, an industrial therapist, a physiotherapist, a social worker, a psychiatrist, and a professional counselor are called upon when needed. Patients should be. Occupational therapy is critical for rehabilitation, as the specialist works on can be treated with each other.

Preoperative Period :
Period of pre-treatment This is the time for psychological and physical recovery.
Postoperative care :
Take care of the surgery immediately after surgery, eat wounds, maintain skin integrity, joint movement, borderline of edema, scarring, and pain control. This is usually in a care environment, with nursing, physiotherapy, and then continues in an outpatient setting, or providing inpatient treatment at a rehabilitation unit, rehabilitation center, or hand clinic. Inpatient admission may be necessary
Pre-compensatory period orientation program :
Occupational therapy during the prenatal period.
1- Provide emotional support: Establish a relationship of trust and continuous support with the patient and family to facilitate an open discussion between them. Collaborate with the team on patient needs and refer the patient for advice when needed. Provide the patient to others with similar amputations and similar conditions.
2 - give instructions in the cleanliness of the injured party and accelerate wound healing Instruct the patient to wash the party daily with soap and dry it thoroughly Disinfect the wounds Use massage cream in the line of suturing the wound
3 - Maximum contraction of limbs with their formation: The goal is to shrink and form the remaining organ at the terminal. This allows for the ideal installation of the prosthesis.
4 - desensitization of the remainder of the member: remove excess sensitivity to the rest of the member so that it accommodates the touch and pressure, to prepare for the closure of the cavity of the prosthesis
5 - Maintain or increase the range of movement and strength of the limb Physical adjustment can be reached through the therapeutic system to increase or maintain the range of motion in the upper joints of the place of amputation. Increase the muscle strength of the remainder of the organ and shoulder area also of the goals, also an occupational therapist can encourage patients with unilateral limb loss in the functional functioning of integrating the amputated organ with the corresponding healthy organ through everyday activities where it converts activities that need one hand To tasks leading to two hands.
6 - Facilitating the independence in the activities of daily life: It is important for patients to develop different skills in order to be able to participate in activities or independent during the activities of daily life without prosthetic

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مدونة نفيد ونستفيد

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    نفيد ونستفيد التعليمية
